Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Temporarily Under Repair

Hi Everyone.

Due to my still being a beginner in blogging, I assumed that I just cut and pasted images and text.  Apparently the source they came from had to be active for this to be viewed.  As a result, no pictures are visible on the blog pages at this time.  However, due to my cleverness in saving the former site url, I was able to contact officelive and download the complete content from the former site onto my home computer!  With a little tweaking, everything should be up and running soon.  I will keep you all informed.  In the meantime, if anyone in my family wishes to obtain a copy of the zipped files, email me and I will send them to you.  With the files now on my home computer, I will be able to turn it into a cd-rom as I have planned in the near future.

I love you all very much.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Original family tree website history created by Larry Wood

Website Information

The creation of this website began in January of 2007. It started with an idea of taking all of the pictures from my photo albums and putting them onto a DVD that could be played on any home DVD player attached to a TV. As I learned how to proceed with this task, and made my first edition DVD, I thought that it would be worth an attempt to see if I could put my pictures onto a website for all the family to see. I researched on internet search engines different websites and found the one that I am presently using. I picked this one because I expect it to be in existence for a long time since it is provided by Microsoft.

I first had to scan all of the pictures that I owned, one by one, into my computer. I then resized, aligned, cropped, image adjusted, sharpened, adjusted brightness and contrast and saved it to a folder. Then in each folder I had to make sure that the pictures were in their proper order. Before I could upload them to my website, I had to relabel ( change the image number ) for each picture because the website image gallery could only use the same image number only once. The next step was to upload each picture from the picture gallery into the category that I built, one by one. The final step was adding the text to each photo. It sounds complicated and at first it was but as time passed it became easier
and easier as I found short-cuts to some of the tasks.

Its hard to believe that at this time there are 1800+ photo’s - pictures plus letters, cards and
other interesting things. To me it was worth all the work and time involved. It is like having a slide show that my Mom & Dad ( Jack & Elsie ) would have at the Wood Hill Farm House with all of the relatives in attendance in the 1960’s. I will always remember all the homemade pies and ice-cream during intermission.

I want to thank my sister Karla for crawling through her attic in her search for the family photo’s and her discovery of “ Karla’s Treasure Chest “. It was loaded with family pictures, photo’s, documents, greeting cards, and many more treasures. Most of what was discovered had never been seen by us or any of the Brant Rock Family Clan.

Brant Rock - Wednesday August 8, 2007

Brant Rock - Wednesday August 8, 2007

Bob, Pat, Kathy and Paul's visit to Aunt Audrey's House.
Cheryl and I (Larry)  spent the day at Brant Rock visiting Aunt Audrey, Bob, Pat,
Kathy and Paul. Karla & Chloe arrived around lunch time and Jim & Kelly came later in
the afternoon. Aunt Barbara came by and spent some time with us too.
It was great to see Aunt Audrey and Aunt Barbara. I was glad that we were all able
to see each other before Cheryl and I move to Tennessee in September. Cheryl took
some pictures for all to see. Enjoy !
( Pictures taken by Cheryl )
Paul, Chloe and Aunt Audrey
Chloe and Aunt Audrey
Aunt Audrey
Pat and Kathy
Pat and Kathy
Karla, Chloe and Paul
Larry ( Not my Greatest Moment ! )
Aunt Barbara
Bob and Larry
Taken from Aunt Audrey's looking toward Ocean Bluff
A passing lobster boat
Taken from Aunt Audrey's looking at long jetty off Ocean Bluff
Low tide looking toward P-Town
Low Tide
Tide Rock
Taken from Aunt Audrey's looking toward Ocean Bluff
A few small waves on the beach
Aunt Audrey's House taken from Brant Rock
Aunt Audrey's House taken from Brant Rock. Bob and Aunt Barbara on the front porch
The Brant Rock Tower
The Brant Rock Tower ( Zooming- In )
The Brant Rock Tower ( Zooming- In a little more)
Taken from center of Brant Rock jetty looking toward Blackman's Point ( South )
Taken from center of Brant Rock jetty looking toward Blackman's Point ( South )
Taken from center of Brant Rock jetty looking South
Taken from center of Brant Rock jetty looking South
Taken from Brant Rock looking East
Taken from Brant Rock looking East. ( The Three Sisters at low tide )
Taken from Brant Rock looking North toward Rexhame
Tide Rock
Tide Rock
The tide pool on Brant Rock. One of the favorite spots on the " Rock "
The tide pool on Brant Rock. One of the favorite spots on the " Rock "
The tide pool on Brant Rock. One of the favorite spots on the " Rock "
The tide pool on Brant Rock. One of the favorite spots on the " Rock "
Standing on Brant Rock looking East
A few of the small tide pools on Brant Rock
Standing on Brant Rock looking at the beach
Standing on Brant Rock looking at the beach
Standing on Brant Rock looking toward Plymouth
One of the boulders on the jetty that we have all stepped on our walk to Brant Rock
Aunt Audrey's neighbors flower
A beetle enjoying the salt air
Aunt Audrey's neighbors flower
Aunt Audrey's neighbors flower
Aunt Audrey's neighbors flower
Aunt Audrey's neighbors flower
Personal Note:
This is one of the most recent sets of pics that I have of my dearly beloved Great Aunt Audrey.  She was one of my favorite relatives.  I have millions of wonderful memories of spending time with her in her beautiful house on this wonderful beach.  I had so many adventures on Brant Rock as a child.  I will never ever forget her.  I love her and miss her very much.